viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

My Research Project

Windmills and solar pannels are the future of energy, if we don´t take care about that, we will destroy the planet and his environment. The topic of my project is the eolic energy in our region, Alt Empordà. I have to take a register of winds by one year, and made a list of possible villages like PortBou or Colera.

Now I have the windlist of PortBou and I´m going to do an average of them, but after say if We can install there a windmills parc, I have to take the decrees and laws of windmill parcs installing for be sure that We can instal them.

I have to do a news collection about well-known people who explain the advantages and disadvantages of windmills building. But, I know that are more people who are in favour of that windmills parcs.

At the final of the research project I think that PortBou is a satisfactory place
for build a windmill.

3 comentarios:

  1. Adrian I find your research project really interesting. I agree when you say that we will destroy our planet if we don’t do anything. One of the best ways to do it is change some pollutants energies into natural energies like solar energy, the wind one… I think that it’s also better because lasts ones are renewable energies and it’s very important. I say that because humans are very irresponsible and we can’t control the use of the things. It means that if we can control the quantity of energy we use, it’s better if we have a energy that never stops. In fact, this affirmation is a bit shocking but I think that it’s true because people won’t change.

    Júlia Feliu Margalef 2btxA

  2. Adrian I have just read your Blog and I find it very interessannt, because is one of my favorites topycs, the renowables energies. This part of the technolgy is one of the most important because it represents the future of our life and our possible family, sons or daughters. I'm very glad that the world still have people who are interested in save our precious and amazing world. Pherhaps with this job,Adrian, you can found new possibilities in Portbou, Llançá, Colera... or others places of Catalonia that can bee perfects ina future to build windmills and generate a lot of energy to supply many people. With the alternative of generate energy with the wind we can reduce the Co2 emissions in our planet and so help the survival of the Earth Planet.
    Like everything this Kind of energy has the good and the bad parts. The god parts of this type of energy is that is very economic because the wind is free and there are a lot. Is not very expensive and we can put this towers in all the places.
    The bad things are minor, the unique disavantage is that people don't like this towers because their create a bad image but I think that it isn't a good explanation.
