viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Prenup arrangements are a good solution for divorce conflicts

Nowadays divorcing conflicts are very usual in couples around the world. One reason can be economicl problems, also trust problems caused by a critical situation or cheating on the other person. For this kind of conflicts, prenup arrangements ca be a good solution for planing the marriage. On the one hand, some people can think that in this way, marriages can be dull or beome a rutine, also life could be brd with a lot of rules. On the other hand, prenup arrangements are good form of protection for the family, n articular if the cuople have childrens. In conclusion, prenup arrangements in my point of view are important to consider after gatting married, they are not rules for make a duller life, only for prottect the reltionship in the family.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

200 students in a wonderful philosophical day