viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Nuclear Power Crisis.

An earthquake and a tsunami...natural disasters that broken the economy of the country, specially in Fukushima. But that´s not all, a third hard situation involves the country, the mostly dangerous and catastrophic, a nuclear disaster. This disaster can be the Apocalypse of the world, say some people.

The radioactivity affects directly to the health of the pople, but also contamines the water, cultivations and primary products for the survival. It´s very amazing to see Japan people, because they are in a critical siuation and they are calmy, patient and reasonable; just they are waitting for a help and see wath will hapens with them.

Here in Spain, I think last week, died 9 persons in a earthquake in Lorca. Can you imagine how they were after the disaster? Crying because they lost them houses, for the food and others things;
so Japanese behavior is admirable.

Nowadays we don´t listen too much the situation of Japan after the disaster, but surelly if you could see a Japanese chanel of news, always you will hearing from this. We can be very grateful that that they might solve the problem of reactors, really grateful.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Description of a Place

When I was a Child, I lived in Venezuela, near a beach. I think that this place influence me in a lot of things.

White sands , transparent waters, a lot of palm trees, coral reefs and fishes with a lot of colours makes the best beaches of Venezuela. I remember fondly a beach from there, exactly in Margarita, nearly were I borned. I really like to be there and swiming in the sea, or be sleeping in the hot sands, or lay down in a hammock. For me, places like that are very peaceful because only you can hear the sound of the sea and ejoy the views of the sea between sky and water.

Maybe I like this place because the peace that you can breathe is very calmy but also because are places that you remember from your chilhood.

Sports & Health

What we can say about your physical activity? Mine is good. Do you eat a lot of fast food, junk food and food that is useless? No, I don´t. When I can, I play football or basketball with my brother. Now, in period of study, I can not do much exercise, but in summer, normally I do tennis lessons, swimming or something for do exercise. Beginning classes I decided to go to the gym, but was only a month, because the homeworks and exams take away a lot of mi time, unless I do it again this summer... For stay healthier, it´s not sufficient by doing a lot of exercice,also we have to eat haelthier foods, like soups or cooked foods...see, I know what I need to stay healthy and live a healthy life, but, and you?, you know if you're healthy? If you do a little beat of exercise each week, and if you eat healthy food, you will feel better, guaranteed.

The Power of Video Games

Have you ever played a videogame that it takes away a lot of time? Those videogames that take away a lot of time and you can not stop playing? I do. Luckily, I missed that period of having always playing, but unfortunatelly a lot of people is addicted to these games. Video games catch you and don´t leave time for anything. Those games are to play them when you have nothing to do, or for fun and while, but the danger is when you become addicted to them. Sometimes, people buy a video game in the day of his launching, and after days they are still playing. There are persons that get closed in her room, and don´t leave only if they have to eat or go to the bathroom, like a lot of young people.

Also this persons have problems with computer games. As you see, is a very important thing, and we can not think about it saiyng that is not important, because also adult persons have the same problems and they have his lives braked. So, be careful if you play your first time, wont be addicted to them, and if you're addicted to them, think about what I said, because they take you away from your family and your friends, and crash your lifes, only if you give them a miseuse, because video games are good and take you from the day after day.

Humor, and be Happy!

The secret of life is not just eating well and doing sport, also bringing a kind of life with humor. Humor is what gives life to people, that makes you to forget the problems that you have and the pressures of day to day. It is proven that humor can be used for cure the physical condition of the people and the emotional condition. A way to use, is about people, exaggerating their physical features, exaggerating something or an anecdote. For example we have a lot of funny pictures that makes us laugh, we have a lot of ingenious phrases and jokes that make us laugh. Think about it, if you have a bit of humor in your lives, you will be nicer to other people and you'll be healthier inside, and it´s good for the society, because the happines could be arround the world with a pinch of humor.

I writted some phrases that I remember that surely will makes you laugh:

1 If the shit were money, poor people would born without ass.

2 There are three types of person: those who can count and those who do not.

3 The diabetic can not go on honeymoon.

4 Be good with your children. They will choose your residence.

5 The Marijuana causes amnesism and ... other things that I do not remember.

Human Rights

Human Rights Test: 21/41.

1. What are human rights?:
human rights are a serie of laws and rights which indicate what can do a person and what not, for all types of person, forgetting the colour of the skin or culture.

2. When did human rights start?: Mans always were trying to get a global "Human Rights", but always they were wrong or the people doesn´t liked too much this laws; but it was at the 10th of December of 1948 when borned the true Human Rights.

3. Why were they created?:
human rights borned because the global problems like poverty, sexual abuse, or slavery, were getting very stronger, and if they don´t were created, maybe now, this problems gets a disaster.

4. How many human rights are there?:
in total there are 30 useful rights.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?:
Now I don´t now all the human rights and what topic about they speak. In fact, all of them tract about similar things. All human rights is for all kind of people and for all the world, and this rights have to be familiar for all of us, because every human has a right.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:
for me the most important “right” (because it´s a law), envolves all the oter laws and rights, because if we do only that the first article say, We won´t have any problem with the people like slavery, poorly or hunger. In my country and in all the world, this right are no considerated, because we can see the interest of the people and the evil things that people can do only for take advantage of the other persons. And the same hapenned in the past: the harder slavery, the rich and poor societies, etc, shows that this problem had been for all time.

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? Why?: this rights are relevant for some people but not for all the world. Some people takes care about this rights and they execute them, but the mostly part of the people are completely forgetting this rihts. That´s the reason why We have always problems and we need serious persons for make true this laws and rights.

View carefully the image because has a lot of sense

Best invention in 2010

For me, the best inventions in 2010 have been the range "I" of many products. To clarify things, to which I refer are inventions like the iPhone 4, iphone 5 that will be launched in June and also the ipad 2 or imac. These inventions are very innovative, so much that no products will match the iphone. Appart for being a good mobile phone has a lot of cool apps that make you think that it is impossible to improve. For example it has the aplication "ibooks" were you can read books in an impressive way, taking the books from a cupboard and reading as you like. Another app, is the "safari" were you can go to internet like a computer. It´s true that other phones can do that, but not like the iphone. Finally, the best app, for me, is the "app store" were you can buy aplications and programs for the mobile phone that are very good, like games, programs and other things.

Another good innovation has been the ipad, that is like the iphone but a kinf of lap tok, with the appereance of the iphone. Now I´m looking for an iphone but also this best innovations has his price...



Conflicts in Libia

Shootings, bombings and day after day war and conflict. After fifteen days after being generated riots in Tunisia and Egypt, Libya also stands up against their leader and dictator Gaddafi. Two weeks later, the Libyan revolt has turned into an open conflict whose protagonists splash in the blood of thousands of deads. Instead of eclipse, Gaddafi was entrenched and unleashed a savage repression that divided his regime and, on the outside, he is paying convictions, penalties and charges of war crimes.

It has been almost three weeks since the February 16, the first protests erupted in Benghazi. Meanwhile, Gaddafi has decided to consolidate the capital, Tripoli, using heavy artillery and air force against protesters and to stop coming in one afternoon, Feb. 21, 250 dead in the streets. That evening he showed his potential to the world.
Although it has failed to break the rebels, it has stated its desire to regain what was lost, mainly oil facilities and power generation as Brega and Ras Lanuf, in the East, or Al Zauiya in the West. In practice, the country is divided.

The key to this situation that there was no need to look like before in Tunisia and Egypt in the Army. Or in the case of Libya, in his weakness. Both Tunisia and Egypt in the fall of dictators came to withdraw their support for the military leadership. In either case, the popular presence on the streets will never result in the taking of territory, beyond the symbolic Cairo's Tahrir Square. In other words, no riots toppled a military-based regimes; only forced to initiate reforms.

In an interview to Gaddafi made by a program of the U.U.E.E they question to him if He will leave Liya, and his answer was that He won´t do it saying:"people love me, people will die for me".

Reduced of the speedometers.

What do you think about reduce the speed in highways to 110 kilometers per hour? In some channels of television of Spain, the mostly part of the country don´t accept this idea, because it´s only an improvisation of the goverment and don´t help for anything. The president of the goverment and his ministers, said that is a way for reduce the consumption of the cars and helps in one hand for the global contamination, and in the other hand, for the energy consumption.

Personally I think that this propose not only has a lot of good intentions, but also generates a lot of problems. Mainly because the consumption of energy and fuels won´t be less, and the time of the travels will be longer, because in some travels that we made maybe we will take more time in highways. For example, if it takes an hour and a half to go to Barcelona, with the proposal and going to 110km/h, we will take maybe two hours, so it´s not a very good idea. As we can see it´s only an improvisation to divert attention for the really problems like the critical economy of the country, and as Rajoy and his ministers said, only they have 110 improvisations per hour.

Description of a Person

The transcription of my podcast

Description of a friend

He is 18 years old, and his birthday was this Saturday, 5 of march. When I met him, was in 2004. He lives in Castelló d´Empúries and I met him here. He is a shy person without strange people, but if he is whit friends or family, he is really extroverted. He is not very high, quite fat, but not much. He has black hair, brown eyes and it grows a lot of beard.

He eats everything that you give, but his favourite meal is fast food, like pizza or hamburguer. His favourite activity is play video games or play computer. His favorite video games are god of war, assasin´s creed, devil may cry or Call of Duty. But nevertheless he study a lot and he do a lot of homeworks. He is a responsible person and friendly. When he can, he invite all his friends to spend some time taking a meal and playing. In conclusion, German is a nice person and if you met him you will be surprised despite what shy he is.